Right now at ELE
Here you can follow what’s happening with us at ELE. Find out about the latest news and new products and innovations within forestry, sawn timber, wood packaging and wood components.

Summer closed at ELE Kilafors
The office and loading is closed for the holidays from July 17th and we will reopen on August 12th Pleasant summer !

New investment
In collaboration with RemaSawco, we are investing in a new RS-Board scanner in the adjustment plant at ELE Trävaru AB.

New logotype
When ELE was to update its logo, it was natural to find a logo that was related to Ewald Larsson, founder of the company and the family's forest holdings.

New package
During the summer, we at ELE have worked on our graphic profile and with this, our package hoods will also get a new look.

We are now launching our new website
During the next few days we will be launching our new ELE Group website, showing the production chain from raw material to finished products.

New Managing Director for ELE Trävaru and ELE Fastigheter
Change of managing director at ELE Trävaru in Kilafors. René Wiesmann, Managing Director of ELE Trävaru AB, will be leaving ELE to take on new challenges outside the ELE Group. We can now introduce our new managing director of ELE Trävaru AB and ELE Fastigheter.