

Ewald Larssons Eftr. has long conducted responsible forestry operations, showing consideration for both the environment and local residents. Consequently, it stood to reason for Ewald Larssons Eftr. to obtain PEFC certification in 2002. In 2012, we achieved certification under Stora Enso’s group certificate in accordance with both PEFC and FSC. All forestry activities are carried out by certified companies and contractors. Our forests are also audited on a regular basis, checking on usage and documentation. The use continuously developed and an evaluation of the environmental - social - and economic effects of forestry takes place regularly.

Certificate numbers: PEFC 2008-SKM-PEFC-30 and FSC DNV-FM/COC 000066.

Logolicens number: FSC - CO20565

Please don’t hesitate to contact Forest Manager Ulrika Eriksson with regard to any certification questions.

Publik rapport ELE Skog 2023 PEFC